Chit Chat

Weekend Adventures

I’m finally getting around to blogging about last weekend’s adventures… never mind that I still haven’t written about my ten-day trip to Alabama!  I’ll get around to it, one day… but for now, a weekend adventure in pictures:


Walking a couple blocks to see Grace Cathedral lit up at night,

and the twinkling lights in the trees across the street.

Dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, with a happy little tree and a happy glass of wine!


Going to see The National play at the Civic Center, arriving an hour early and getting awesome seats.

Balcony seating = I can actually see the performance without getting squished by giants.

Two opening bands,

and a great performance!

It’s so nice to be able to walk home, without bothering with public transportation or a taxi.


Strolling to North Beach, the Italian neighborhood of San Fran.  Awesome pizza, and a hair cut for Sam–like the Before and After?

Walking back home, we passed through Chinatown.  Lots of stores packed with exotic ingredients, some with not a single thing I could identify!

I just had to stop to buy some Christmas gifts–decorative chop sticks for 99 cents, scarves 3 for $10, yes please!

Just another weekend in San Francisco!

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